I will show you how you can make a simple calendar using vb6. My illustration will basically contain what the user interface can look like and then your code.
Here is a simple interface I developed on small sectional form in the design area. You can decide to make your form bigger depending on how you want your calendar to look. You can use images, etc. to make your calendar more attractive.
I am making use of simply a few objects, a number labels, 2 scroll bars (1 horizontal and on vertical) and a command button. The first labels will show the current month and the horizontal scroll bar next to it will allow the user change the name of the month in the label when clicked. The second label beneath displays the current date, showing the name of the day and then the date. The preceeding labels are arranged accordingly in a calendar pattern with the first line showing the name of the days. Other labels are presented underneath this line showing each date of the day from 1 to 31, depending on the month.
The above image shows you what the the interface/application looks like when debugged. Now you can see the hidden labels holding the numbers of day. Clicking the command button - reset, will take the application back to its default calendar values which is the current month and date.
The vertical scroll bars will allow the user toggle the number of the days so it is possible to check a future date. All you need do is to toggle the Hscroll-bar (horizontal scroll bar) for the month you wish to view in the future or past and then toggle the Vscroll-bar (vertical scroll bar) for the date/day.
I will now give you my code with which I use to run this progam and I hope you are able to do yours and come up with even better calendars.
Calendar Code
Option Explicit
Dim date0, date1, date2, date3 As String
Dim x, first, tel As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
HScroll1.Value = 0
HScroll2.Value = 0
date0 = DateAdd("m", HScroll1.Value, Date)
date1 = DateSerial(Format(date0, "yyyy"), Format(date0, "mm"), 1)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
date0 = Date
End Sub
Private Sub SetDate()
Label2.Caption = UCase(Format(date0, "mmmm"))
Calendar.Caption = Format(date0, " yyyy")
For x = 0 To 36
Label3(x).Visible = False
Label3(x).ForeColor = RGB(0, 96, 64)
Label3(x).BorderStyle = 0
Next x
first = Val(Format(date1, "w")) - 1
date2 = date1: tel = 0
For x = first To 36
date2 = DateAdd("d", tel, date1)
If DateDiff("m", date1, date2) > 0 Then Exit For
Label3(x).Caption = Day(date2)
Label3(x).Visible = True
tel = tel + 1
Next x
If date0 = Date Then
Label4.Caption = Format(Date, "dddd, dd mmmm yyyy")
For x = 0 To 36
If Label3(x).Caption = Day(Date) Then
Label3(x).ForeColor = vbRed
Label3(x).BorderStyle = 1
Exit For
End If
Next x
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
Cancel = True
Calendar.Left = 2100
Credits.Show 1
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll1_Change()
date0 = DateAdd("m", (HScroll2.Value * 12) + HScroll1.Value, Date)
date1 = DateSerial(Format(date0, "yyyy"), Format(date0, "mm"), 1)
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll2_Change()
date0 = DateAdd("m", (HScroll2.Value * 12) + HScroll1.Value, Date)
date1 = DateSerial(Format(date0, "yyyy"), Format(date0, "mm"), 1)
End Sub
Ordinarily I would have love to explain in detail each line of code used but I want to count on your questions and be able to solve any challenge your face, while hoping you would try this on your own. You can try developing similar applications but with finer and more creative ideas, I still will be helpful to develop your ideas with you and introduce additional lines of codes if necessary. Infact that is the idea.
I will show you how you can make a simple calendar using vb6. My illustration will basically contain what the user interface can look like and then your code.
Here is a simple interface I developed on small sectional form in the design area. You can decide to make your form bigger depending on how you want your calendar to look. You can use images, etc. to make your calendar more attractive.
I am making use of simply a few objects, a number labels, 2 scroll bars (1 horizontal and on vertical) and a command button. The first labels will show the current month and the horizontal scroll bar next to it will allow the user change the name of the month in the label when clicked. The second label beneath displays the current date, showing the name of the day and then the date. The preceeding labels are arranged accordingly in a calendar pattern with the first line showing the name of the days. Other labels are presented underneath this line showing each date of the day from 1 to 31, depending on the month.
The above image shows you what the the interface/application looks like when debugged. Now you can see the hidden labels holding the numbers of day. Clicking the command button - reset, will take the application back to its default calendar values which is the current month and date.
The vertical scroll bars will allow the user toggle the number of the days so it is possible to check a future date. All you need do is to toggle the Hscroll-bar (horizontal scroll bar) for the month you wish to view in the future or past and then toggle the Vscroll-bar (vertical scroll bar) for the date/day.
I will now give you my code with which I use to run this progam and I hope you are able to do yours and come up with even better calendars.
Calendar Code
Option Explicit
Dim date0, date1, date2, date3 As String
Dim x, first, tel As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
HScroll1.Value = 0
HScroll2.Value = 0
date0 = DateAdd("m", HScroll1.Value, Date)
date1 = DateSerial(Format(date0, "yyyy"), Format(date0, "mm"), 1)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
date0 = Date
End Sub
Private Sub SetDate()
Label2.Caption = UCase(Format(date0, "mmmm"))
Calendar.Caption = Format(date0, " yyyy")
For x = 0 To 36
Label3(x).Visible = False
Label3(x).ForeColor = RGB(0, 96, 64)
Label3(x).BorderStyle = 0
Next x
first = Val(Format(date1, "w")) - 1
date2 = date1: tel = 0
For x = first To 36
date2 = DateAdd("d", tel, date1)
If DateDiff("m", date1, date2) > 0 Then Exit For
Label3(x).Caption = Day(date2)
Label3(x).Visible = True
tel = tel + 1
Next x
If date0 = Date Then
Label4.Caption = Format(Date, "dddd, dd mmmm yyyy")
For x = 0 To 36
If Label3(x).Caption = Day(Date) Then
Label3(x).ForeColor = vbRed
Label3(x).BorderStyle = 1
Exit For
End If
Next x
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
Cancel = True
Calendar.Left = 2100
Credits.Show 1
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll1_Change()
date0 = DateAdd("m", (HScroll2.Value * 12) + HScroll1.Value, Date)
date1 = DateSerial(Format(date0, "yyyy"), Format(date0, "mm"), 1)
End Sub
Private Sub HScroll2_Change()
date0 = DateAdd("m", (HScroll2.Value * 12) + HScroll1.Value, Date)
date1 = DateSerial(Format(date0, "yyyy"), Format(date0, "mm"), 1)
End Sub
Ordinarily I would have love to explain in detail each line of code used but I want to count on your questions and be able to solve any challenge your face, while hoping you would try this on your own. You can try developing similar applications but with finer and more creative ideas, I still will be helpful to develop your ideas with you and introduce additional lines of codes if necessary. Infact that is the idea.